Wednesday, 14 January 2009

Are Social Media tools the key to unlocking truly productive multi-location projects?

Can the face-to-face demands of collaborative team-working be replaced or simply augmented by Social Media?
View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own. (tags: onegreenerday @timdifford)

For those who couldn't make tonight's Social Media Cafe event (#smc_mcr) at The Northern in Manchester, here's a slideshare version of the presentation from my session. Without the commentary and interaction from the night it's not quite the same, so feel free to ask questions in the comments box or by following me on Twitter (@timdifford). For those who were there, these slides might be a useful aide memoire.

SlideShare Link

1 comment:

Steven Tuck said...

Thanks Tim. A really interesting session this evening which drew out some good talking points for the rest of the night sparking some great ideas.

I would be interested in your view on a comment that was made: “When social media tools are adopted by business, they are no longer social”?